
Whether you are an educator or a student, EducationSavvy will provide you with all the valuable information about various disciplines of education in a very simple and easy way.

Personality Theories

You will know about the famous Theories of Personality like: Psychodynamic Theory, Psychosocial Development Theory, Theory of Individual Psychology, Behavioristic Theories, Social Learning Theories, Observational Learning Theories...

Learning Theories

EducationSavvy will teach you all about the famous theories of learning like: Sensory Stimulation Theory, Reinforcement Theory, Social Learning theory, Information Processing Theory, Facilitation Theory...

Instructional Strategies

EducationSavvy will teach you about different kinds of instructional strategies and their applictions in various classrooms settings with simple examples.


Besides these, EducationSavvy will provide you with all the important and interesting information about educational research, research poroposal, thesis and desertatin, educational measurment and evaluavtion, classroom management and different types of education …

Applied Reseach

Applied research is a practical form of research. It is usually directed towards the solution of specific problems.  The main difference between Basic Research and Applied Research is that basic research is generally concerned with the introduction and explanation of particular problems whereas applied research is basically interested in the solution of that problems. The results of Basic Research are not of instant use, while the results of Applied Research can be directly applied to the concerned problems. In other words the findings of applied research are always ready for use. Though Basic Research and Applied Research are quite different from each other in terms of their purpose and use, but it doesn’t mean that they are totally mutually exclusive entities. In fact they often assist and cooperate each other. For example, Basic research provides base or starting point to applied research, while applied research helps basic research in verifying its theories and providing empirical base to them. Applied research is often conducted in industrial sector where research scientists are busy in introducing and producing more cost effective and consumers’ friendly goods and products. Applied research is usually financed by industrial employer.

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Basic Research
Action Research
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Descriptive Research
Experimental Research
Ethnographic Research
Historical Research

Basic or Fundamental Research

Basic, Fundamental  or Pure Research is a scientific method of discovering new facts, developing new theories or modifying the current ones. It is a quest for truth. More specifically, basic research is mainly conducted for the purpose of generating new knowledge or improving the existing body of knowledge. The results of basic research are mostly theoretical which may not be used for the solution of problems at hand. But it does not mean that they are of no use at all. Perhaps someone will bother to use them for applied research in future. The main driving force behind basic research is our natural curiosity about the world around us.  Sigmund Freud’s ‘Theory of Personality’, Maslow’s ‘Theory of Motivation’, Jean Piaget’s ‘Theory of Cognitive Development’ and BF Skinner’s ‘Theory of Operant Conditioning’ are some products of basic research.
You might also be interested in:
Applied Research
Action Research
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Descriptive Research
Experimental Research
Ethnographic Research
Historical Research