
Whether you are an educator or a student, EducationSavvy will provide you with all the valuable information about various disciplines of education in a very simple and easy way.

Personality Theories

You will know about the famous Theories of Personality like: Psychodynamic Theory, Psychosocial Development Theory, Theory of Individual Psychology, Behavioristic Theories, Social Learning Theories, Observational Learning Theories...

Learning Theories

EducationSavvy will teach you all about the famous theories of learning like: Sensory Stimulation Theory, Reinforcement Theory, Social Learning theory, Information Processing Theory, Facilitation Theory...

Instructional Strategies

EducationSavvy will teach you about different kinds of instructional strategies and their applictions in various classrooms settings with simple examples.


Besides these, EducationSavvy will provide you with all the important and interesting information about educational research, research poroposal, thesis and desertatin, educational measurment and evaluavtion, classroom management and different types of education …


Evaluation is the process of judging or appraising someting on the bases of given standards or criteria. When we evaluate something, we compare it with its counterparts in terms of effectiveness and achievements. Evaluation involves collecting, tabulating, analyzing and interpreting all the relevant information about a particular process, activity or entity to be evaluated. In education, evaluation means judging or appraising an  educational program, course or activity in relation to some pre-specified objectives, goals or criteria. Evaluation is a broader term which encompasses both measurement and assessment.  They are the essential parts of evaluation. And we can’t evaluate anything in the absence of measurement and assessment. When we want to evaluate a particular educational program or activity we first collect data about it through various measurements and assessments, then we use these data to determine the success or failure of the said program or activity in achieving its goals and objectives and compare it with the performance and achievement of other similar programs or activities. Evaluation helps in knowing the strengths and weaknesses of something. It enables us to know which program or activity is more effective than the other in achieving its goals and objectives.

Action Research

Action Research is a form of scientific study which takes place during a process or an activity. It is mainly undertaken by practitioners or teachers for the purpose of analyzing and improving their own practices. Action research helps us resolving those problems which need urgent solution. Often these problems are local and relate to specific context. The results of Action Research are mainly used by the researcher itself, and they can’t be generalized for other populations. They are generally confined to the context in which the research is undertaken. Examples of action research can be seen in our educational institutions where teachers or educators are constantly trying to find solution of problems faced by them. These problems may either be instructional, academic , managerial, or organizational.

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