The Five Stages Of Personality As Described by Sigmund Freud

Freud described the following five psychosexual stages of personality.

Oral Stage:

This stage starts from the birth of a child and lasts till the age of 18 months. During this stage the child gets pleasure through oral, mouth related, activities like sucking, biting and chewing. In adulthood its impact can be seen in the form of biting nails, smoking and the habit of overeating.

Anal Stage: 

This stage starts from the age of 18 months and lasts till the age of three or four years. The child gets toilet training in this stage. The source of pleasure during this stage is anal, anus related, activities like holding it in and letting out at a suitable time. The impact of this stage in adulthood can be seen in the form of regularity, orderliness, neatness, cleanliness etc.

Phallic Stage:

            This stage starts from the age of four years and lasts till the age of six or seven years. The child gets pleasure through phallic, penis related, activities like massaging or rubbing at the outer sex organs. Children become aware of gender differences in this stage. Masturbation is common in this stage. Children begin to internalize the values, attitudes and behavior of their same-sexed parent in this stage.

Latent Stage:

            This stage starts from the age of seven and lasts till puberty i.e. till the age of 12 years. Sexual impulses become dormant or latent in this stage. Love for opposite sex disappears or becomes less obvious during this stage. Boys lose their interest in girls, and like to make groups with their peers. Similarly girls like to spend most of their time with other girls. This stage is a stage of learning and social development.

Genital Stage:

            This is the last stage which starts from puberty i.e. from the age of 12 years. In this stage love for opposite sex reappears again. The source of pleasure is this stage is real love and affection. Sexual intercourse is the most pleasurable activity in this stage.
            According to Freud all of the above five stages are very important and they have great impact on the future life of a person. He says that for balanced and healthy personality all these stages should be conquered successfully.